Summer means warmer weather, more sunshine, and for some of us, more free time! Every summer I look forward to the long summer days with so many dreams of all the amazing things I’m going to accomplish. And then… before I know it, summer is over and I’ve hardly accomplished any of the things that I wanted to. This summer, one of my huge goals is to level up my self-love and self-care in a way that will follow me through all of the seasons of the year – which is why I’ve created this summer self-love bucket list. I’ve divided my goals into three different categories – goals to help you love your body, your mind, and your life! At the bottom of this post you’ll find a printable of my summer bucket list – as well as a blank checklist to help you create your own customized summer plan!
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Summer Self-Love Bucket List Ideas to Help You Love Your Body

Go for a walk or hike
Movement is always good for the mind and body – and doing it outdoors can make it extra rewarding. Head for a leisurely stroll around your neighbourhood or challenge yourself to a nature hike!
Challenge yourself to wear one item of clothing outside of your comfort zone
Ah, summer. The season of shorts and tank tops. It can be tempting to cover up when you’re feeling insecure about your body. But this is your sign to get out of your clothing comfort zone at least once this summer. You might be surprised at just how empowering it can feel!
Go swimming
Take advantage of those hot summer days with a cool swim. Check out the local indoor pool, or head outside for an extra dose of sunshine.
Invest in a sunscreen that protects your skin
Learning to love your body this summer is about so much more than just moving or pampering it. It’s important to take care of its health and wellbeing too. Invest in a new sunscreen that takes care of your skin while protecting it from the sun – and make sure you actually wear it this time! Your skin will thank you.

Try a yoga class
Yoga is one of my favourite activities on the summer self-love bucket list. I normally love hot yoga, but in the summer my local yoga studio offers free outdoor classes in the park. It’s a great way to connect with your body and mind!
Treat yourself to a massage
Massages are a great way to reduce stress, relieve tension, and support relaxation. You deserve it!
Wear your favorite outfit
And I really mean YOUR favourite outfit – this summer we are dressing for ourselves and nobody else. Find an outfit that makes you feel your best and make sure to rock it at least once this summer.
Challenge yourself to drink more water
Water is always important. But it becomes even more important when you’re spending more time in the hot summer sun! Check out this neat tool I found to calculate exactly how much you should be drinking.

Try a dance class
There are so many different types of dance to add to your summer self-love bucket list. Even just dancing around your house or apartment can be a great way to get moving to music this summer!
Have a spa day
Whether you find an amazing spa near you or just set up your own spa experience at home, you deserve to be pampered this summer.
Summer Self-Love Bucket List Ideas to Help You Love Your Mind

Develop a morning routine
Most mornings one of the first things I do after waking up is reach for my phone. This summer, one of my goals is to upgrade that routine to something a little more fulfilling. And that doesn’t mean you have to wake up at the crack of dawn if that’s not your thing (it’s definitely not mine). Challenge yourself to experiment with different ways of waking up that work for you and try to stick to your favourite for at least a week.
Go to therapy
Therapy is for everyone. I have a great local therapist who I love, but have also had great online therapy experiences with BetterHelp (read my full experience here).
Your meditiation doesn’t have to look the way it always does in the movies. Traditional mediation works for a lot of people. But personally, I love meditating in different ways. Try a walking meditation on your next stroll around the block, or a guided meditation on YouTube or an app like Headspace. Your mind will thank you!
Create some self-love affirmations
Affirmations are one of my favorite ways to fight back against negative thoughts. Challenge yourself to create a list you can turn to when you need some self-love reminders. Here are some suggestions to get you started:
• I deserve to love myself as I am.
• I love my body for all the things that it does for me.
• I am exactly who I need to be.
Set a reading goal
And don’t just tell yourself you’re going to “read more”. Choose books that excite you and create some realistic and specific goals of how many you’d like to read this summer. Here are some of the self-love picks on my to-read list if you’re looking for inspiration:
Create a time capsule with a letter to your future self
This is one of my favourite ways to reflect while also looking forward to the future. Include some current favourites, dreams, and memories – then look forward with your goals and a message for future you. Put your time capsule in a safe place with a reminder to open it again sometime in the future. Choose an amount of time you’d like to wait (6 months, a year, 5 years, etc.), or choose to open your message from the past at an important event in your life (graduation, a big move, when you get married, etc.)
Journalling is such a wonderful way to express yourself, and discover more about yourself on the way. Sign up for my email list here and I’ll send you some of my favourite prompts to create your own journalling habit this summer!

Sign up for an online course
If you’ve got some extra time on your hands this summer, make some goals to enrich your mind as a part of your summer self-love bucket list! Check out EdX to access courses from Harvard, MIT, and many other top rated institutions! Coursera also has a huge range of courses, including their awesome section of free mental health and wellbeing courses that you can find here.
Challenge yourself to complain less
Last year, I pledged to stop complaining for 21 days and it had huge impacts on my mental health and outlook on life. You can read more about my experience here. Challenge yourself to quit (or at least monitor) your negative complaints for a day, week, or month this summer! You will be amazed at the difference it can make!
Express yourself creatively
Try painting, drawing, writing, or crafting just for the sake of being creative – and try to let go of the pressure to be “good” at it. Expressing yourself is so important for your mind and soul!
Summer Self-Love Bucket List Ideas to Help You Love Your Life

Take time for a mid-year check-in
Summertime means that we’re already about halfway through the year. It’s the perfect chance to look back on what you’ve accomplished so far and what goals you still have for the second half of the year.
Unplug from social media
I definitely spend way more time on social media than I would like to. As part of my summer self-love bucket list, I’m challenging myself to unplug more often this summer. Set up screen time limits on your phone to limit your everyday use, or decide on certain days or times where scrolling is off-limits. Unplugging more often makes it so much easier to plug in to all the parts of your life that matter so much more than any screen.
Reach out to an old friend
Take the time to reconnect with an old friend this summer. Reminiscing about old memories with someone you haven’t seen in a while is good for the soul!
Create or listen to a self-love playlist
Create a self-love soundtrack for your summer! Check out my favourite suggestions here.
Travel – as close or as far from home as you want
Of course, I think most of us would love to travel across the world this summer. But there are so many ways you can enjoy travelling much closer to home as well. Take a road trip, or even be a tourist in your own town!
Try a new hobby
Summer is the perfect time to try something new! Have you always dreamed about learning to dance, crochet, bake, or do yoga? Now is the perfect time to give it a try.
Declutter your space
A clean home has so many benefits for your mental wellbeing. Open the windows and let in some fresh summer air while you tidy, clean, and organize your space.

Volunteer or do a good deed
Spread some kindness to the world around you this summer! There are lots of people and organizations in your community that could use your help. Looking to spread some kindness a little closer to home? There are ways you can do good from wherever you are! Become an active peer listener on Seven Cups of Tea, help a visually impaired person navigate their day by signing up for Be My Eyes, or write a letter to someone in a long term care home as an Age Care Pen Pal.
Spend more time outside
One of the best parts about summer is the beautiful weather. There’s no better time of the year to spend more time in the sunshine. There are lots of outdoor activities you can try – but think about all the other things you can do outside! Take your reading, meditation, and journalling outdoors to enrich your summer with even more sunshine!
Do something that brings you one step closer to your dream life
Whether it’s applying for a school program or new job, or putting money aside for your dream trip, there’s lots of small (or big) steps that you could take this summer towards the life you’ve always dreamed of. That first step could be the start of something amazing.
Create Your Own Summer Self-Love Bucket List With These Free Printables!
Click the button below to download the FREE printable PDF that will help you create your own summer self-love bucket list! One includes all of my suggestions – and the second is completely blank so you can customize your own self-love goals for this summer.
What other items are on your summer self-love bucket list? Share them in the comments below! I’m wishing you an AMAZING summer filled with all the self-love you deserve.
All my love,

Great list! I’m a tired mom of two, and would love to treat myself to a massage or just have a spa day. Unplugging from social media for a day or two sounds like a great idea too! Thanks for sharing this.
I love this post. There are many ideas to show self-love. I’m particularly working on something to get closer to my dream life. Thanks!
I love this post. There are many idea to show self love.